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What is the


      The Their Heart Project was created in hopes to support the pediatric cardiothoracic community by creating a support group within families. By sharing your story on our forum feature families can create a discussion or just simply share their experiences. The overall goal of this community is that families with children undergoing or who have undergone pediatric cardiothoracic surgery will not feel alone, and that they will connect with others for the betterment of their heart (the child's heart). 

     The Their Heart Project was created by Isabella Rosa Nanini, a junior at Reedy High School studying pediatric cardiothoracic surgery as part of a program called Independent Study and Mentorship offered in Frisco ISD. Part of the program in to create an original idea achieved throughout research conducted during the first semester of school. Isabella has been researching pediatric cardiac critical care when she came upon a couple of youtube videos made by families with children undergoing pediatric cardiothoracic surgery who chose to share their story. Isabella saw that there was a need for an outlet where families could share their story in one simple location, so she decided to create that outlet. This outlet is now the Their Heart Project, and her research is displayed on our "The Journey" page. 


To learn more about Isabella and her study in pediatric cardiothoracic surgery visit...



Isabella at the ISM Research Showcase 2017
Isabella at the 2017 ISM Research Showcase
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